Contents: CME credit for January 2021 to December 2021
Steps: Register | Purchase | Read & Attest | Certificate
This CME activity for NON-PHYSICIANS allows you to read and earn 2 credits per month (January through December 2021) for weekday articles, plus 3 more credits at the end of the year for the 2021 weekend JournalFeed articles. Credit for the previous month is available on the first of the month (January credit is available February 1, etc.). Earn up to 27 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
- What am I supposed to read to get credit? The JournalFeed.org blog is the source material for this CME activity. To get CME credit, you must attest that you have read the material from the blog (or emails) for the month you are claiming.
- If I am supposed to read the JournalFeed blog, why am I here? The JournalFeedCME.org site allows secure payment, lets you manage your account, and stores your CME certificates in case you lose them.
- How do I get credit? The first step is to purchase the CME subscription by clicking "Buy Now." After purchase, click Get Credit to attest and generate your CME certificate.
- Is this a quiz? No, this is merely a way for you to attest that you have read JournalFeed.
- How do I get my CME certificate? After you complete the attestation, just click the button that says PRINT MY CERTIFICATE.
- What if I forgot to print my certificate? Is there a record of my CME certificates? Yes, just go to My Profile | Certificates.